Kinds of cognition and forces in the dialectic to absolute knowing

I’ve started to read Phenomenology of Spirit, and Science of Logic is on it’s way. Here, below is the levels of cognition that Hegel use in his system. And then a few terms such as being-in-itself and being for-itself which we know understand is part of consciousness or being.

Hegel’s levels of cognitionHegel’s triadNietzsche’s triad
Absolute knowing (Freedom and Reason, Spirit knowing itself as Spirit)ConceptChild
Reason: Speculative or Positive Reason (4)ConceptChild
Reason: Dialectical or Negative Reason (3)Concept Child
Self-Consciousness (2)Essence Lion
Understanding (Abstraction, Analysis) (1)BeingCamel
Sense-Certainty (Sensation)BeingCamel
Subject’s kinds of cognition to reach absolute essence in Substance. 1, 2, 3, 4 is a circle.

Substance is split between Self-Identity the Being-in-Itself and Absolute Negativity the Being-for-itself. Through Being-for-another it reach difference, and it’s contradictions. Then moves to Grund, to move to Idenity and then Existance. And it does this in a circular movement of essence which reaches the absolute knowing. Obviosly, this is a pre-understanding of Hegel’s system.

4 + 1 horeses of Hegel’s logicProgression of determinations of Essence
Being-in-itself (self-identity)Identity (1) (4)UniversalSubstance
Being-for-itself (absolute negativity)Identity (1) (4)UniversalSubstance
Being-for-anotherDifference (2)ParticularSubstance
Being-in-and-for-itselfGround (3)SingularSubject
Returning-back-to-itselfExistance (5)Concrete UniversalSublated Unity of Subject-Object Substance is Subject
Circular and Spiral movements of essence until absolute. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 is a circle movement.

Synchronic vs Diachronic

Survival in culture necessitates understanding distinct requirements separate from those in nature. Structuralism offers two perspectives on culture: a static (synchronic) view, capturing the simultaneous relations within a culture at a specific point in time, and a dynamic (diachronic) view, illustrating the sequential evolution of subcultures within a culture over time. From a synchronic perspective, the ego is seen in relation to both the id and the superego. The ego functions as a mediator between these two, with the id and the superego subsisting in this process. Using a metaphor, imagine you are sitting in a vehicle (ego) where you can control the speed by pressing the gas (id) and brake (superego) pedals.

From a diachronic perspective, we examine how the dominant culture, approximately 300 years ago, distinguished between nature and culture. This perspective includes stages that emerged before that synchronic point and those emerging afterward, integrating various cultural components. For example, culture can be seen as analogous to the superego, while nature corresponds to the id. The diachronic perspective considers how these relationships have evolved over time within a given culture, highlighting the importance of historical context in understanding cultural development.

Finally, the diachronic perspective makes sense within a given culture but not necessarily between different cultures.

The Syntheism marathon continues…

This site is a continuation of my writing activities at Syntheism is an ideology that is about participatory culture and co-creative economics. According to the memeplex map AQAL, Syntheism is the highest stage in tier one, and because the ideology is trans rational it also transcends into tier two. And as such built on the meta-fictives planet and network, what we could say is a logic of what is fundamental for life and what is significant for intelligence.

At this site we are going to write about Digital Schamanic Practice, with the emphasis on how we are going to participate in the emerging co-creative economy. The emphasis will therefore be on practicing a mature expression of the trans rational ideology Syntheism. You can think of this as affirmative nihilism (versus naive, cynical or ironic nihilism)! It’s through practice and practice only that you know state, realms, body and systems. And even if these practices might occur at different places it is happening at the duration which is the same for all who participate in the practice.